Sunday, 29 July 2007

Defrag App Version 2.0

I have updated my defrag application to allow users with RAID to manually add their drives to the list.

The program gets your computers drive names by doing a DriveInfo.GetDrives(); call (part of the .net framework) however when drives are in RAID each drive does not have a name and the DriveInfo.GetDrives(); method throws a IOException. This new Defrag App handles the exception by opening a dialog where the user can add their drives manually.

There have also been some other slight aesthetical updates

System Requirements



Manually adding drives

When you've added the drives, click done


System Requirements

Windows® XP/2003 Server/Vista with .net Framework Version 2

Sunday, 15 July 2007

Harvard Referencer

Long time no update:

I have been working on this application for some time, it's still not finished, but I wanted to release it as it is.

While at university I have had to write essays and including references to material that you have used is essential yet complicated. I heard people complaining about the difficulty of the Harvard Referencing system and decided to write an application that does all the formatting for you, all the user has to do is input the data.

Quick tutorial:

1) The user enters the data from the book/journal etc into the appropriate textboxes
2) Click "Make"
3) Copy the references into another document - either right click > "Copy" or Edit > "Copy all"
Or you can go File > Export to word document.

Alternatively you can print directly from the program, the options for the can be found under "File > Print Reference list"


System Requirements


The main view of the program


External Links:

For a general guide of how to use the Harvard Referencing System see:

System Requirements

Windows® XP/2003 Server/Vista with .net Framework Version 2